The brain consists of two halves, right and left brain hemisphere.Both hemispheres are connected by a structure called the corpus callosum, consisting of millions of nerve fibers that run throughout the brain.Thanks to these fibers, both hemispheres are continuously connected.Each hemisphere is specialized in different functions
A.The left hemisphere: Responsible for the activities of logical, verbal function, rational, ETC.
Left hemisphere: This controls the right side of the body.This means that the way to work the left hemisphere: the analytical method, verbal, calculator, sequential, symbolic, linear and objective. The left side is logical thinking, translates the images of the right hemisphere in physical manifestations.
B. The right hemisphere: processes more emotional, creative and images.
Right: This controls the left side of the body
Specializing in sensations, feelings, prosody and spatial skills, visual skills and language does not sound like art and music.
Conceive situations and thinking strategies in a total. integrates various types of information ( sound,images,smells,feelings) and transmits them as a whole.
Right: This controls the left side of the body
Specializing in sensations, feelings, prosody and spatial skills, visual skills and language does not sound like art and music.
Conceive situations and thinking strategies in a total. integrates various types of information ( sound,images,smells,feelings) and transmits them as a whole.
¿What cerebral hemisphere uses more a famous?
How you think the dominant side has helped them in their career or life ?
Think the two hemispheres are very important because one is the artistic and the other scientist, so I like to dominate the two but if only one could choose the left hemisphere because I think that is what would help me more in my studies and in my life I would like a bit of both but I'd really like to have them balanced because for me the two are very important.
well i think that this information is very important to know, because if you know how is the diferent between that two hemispheres of the brain, you can think about how works yours, and a better understanding of your brain.
ResponderEliminaraccording with the two sides of the brain, wich is artics and scientific, you can imagine how you brain is working, most for the artics´sides or most for the scientifics´sides, wich is minds, that you will know about wich hemisphere is more dominant in your brain, and try to ralate in your real life... samuel!!1